Monday, April 21, 2008

GOAL!! Ole.. Ole Ole Ole.....

Soccer cupcakes from a loving lady to her fiance. He simply loves soccer and futsal! Now, where's the ball??

48 chocolatey chocolate mini-me's


Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

oh, that is so cute!

Anonymous said...

No amount of words can express my thanks and gratitude to u gal! love ya!!!

cupcakeculture said...

Hi Jerri! Thanks for your comments! I simply love these cupcakes myself!

Hi Anonymous (aka Gina): no prob, am just so glad you and Nel like it so much and I could contribute to his special day too!

CaraCakes said...

Those are just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you so much my friend for your blessings and effort. :)

cupcakeculture said...

Caracakes: Thanks! :)

Nel: You're welcome. Maybe next yr we can do a futsal court? :P